Board of Education
Sycamore Community Schools is governed by a five-member Board of Education that provides governance to the district on policy and financial matters.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Sycamore Community Schools is changing the time of its February 5, 2024, regular Board meeting to 5:30 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Professional Learning Commons, 11120 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242.
The Board will reserve the first hour and a half for executive session purposes. The Board will begin its regular business meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Board meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday and on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Kenwood Learning Commons (11120 Kenwood Rd.) Meetings can be accessed live via Zoom. Meeting recordings are accessible on the district's YouTube Channel.
If you wish to receive notices of special Board meetings, email Jenni Logan, Treasurer at
The Sycamore Community Schools Board of Education holds regular public meetings twice a month.
These meetings provide the opportunity for the public to observe discussions relating to the business of the district. If you wish to address the Board, Public participation is permitted as outlined here.
During meetings, the Board may call a closed-door session, called an “executive session.”
Ohio law allows executive sessions for discussion only, and only to discuss personnel, property purchases, pending legal action, employee negotiations, or security. The Board may not take votes or other action during executive sessions.
Board Meeting Recordings
The Board’s duties include the following:
- Hiring and evaluating the district Superintendent and Treasurer
- Recommending financing/funding options (levies) to the community to provide for district needs outlined in a long-range plan
- Adopting an annual budget and appropriation measures
- Adopting policies for the governance of the district and its schools
- Considering and voting upon the recommendations of the Superintendent in all matters of policy, appointment or dismissal of employees, salary schedules or other personnel regulations, courses of study, selection of textbooks, or other issues pertaining to the operation of schools
- Informing the public concerning the progress and needs of the schools, and to solicit and weigh public opinion as it affects the schools.
The Board may only exercise its governing authority when convened together in a public meeting. Individual Board members have no authority to act alone. The President has been appointed by the Board as its official spokesperson. Board members may serve unlimited consecutive terms and are elected by the residents for four-year terms during years ending with odd numbers. Two Board members are elected in one election and three are elected in the next, creating staggered terms.
In January, the Board elects officers and sets meeting dates in January. Board officers serve a one year term and may be re-elected.
To contact the Board of Education, email or call (513) 686-1700. For general information regarding the district, please call (513) 686-1700.