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Emergency Procedures

The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. The information below will assist parents and families in the event of an emergency. For your safety and the safety of your child, please do not come to the school to retrieve students unless notified to do so.

Please check our district homepage for emergency alert notices:

District homepage

To report an emergency at one of our schools or facilities, call 911. You can also contact the Ohio SaferSchools Tip Line anonymously via text or phone at 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764). The line is monitored 24/7.


Learn more about safety procedures, our Safe and Secure Schools Committee, and our safety training by visiting our Safety & Security page.

What To Expect

Emergency Dos & Don'ts


Prepare in advance...

Bookmark our website

We will post the latest available information on our homepage. Check back frequently for updates and instructions on when and where you can pick up your child if parent pick-up is necessary.

Download the Remind App

Remind our school-to-home communication platform. You can set your language preference and your delivery preference: text message, email, and/or push notifications. We will use the email address and phone number you used for your student’s registration to activate your account and keep up-to-date with your child's school. Once logged in, you can set up your own notification preferences. 

Get Connected

Make sure we have your current phone number and email address in Final Forms so we can reach you quickly with an automated call, text, or email about an emergency situation. Update your contact information with your school office.


if something happens...

Don't rush to the school

Coming to school may put you or your child at great risk. Additional people on the scene distract first responders from their primary job – student safety. Instead, check our website, social media, your email, or your phone for information and instructions.

Don’t call the school or district office

Resources are stretched thin during emergencies. Incoming calls take away from our ability to get updates to you through our website, email, and phone calls.

Have A Family Plan

Each family should have a plan for what to do if your child arrives home early due to an emergency situation, including the following:

  • Is your child prepared with warm clothing, including gloves, hats and boots, if it is winter weather?
  • What is the best route home if your child cannot be delivered to the normal bus stop?
  • Where could they go if they needed help?
  • Who would care for them until you arrive?
  • If you are not available, is there someone your child knows to call if they are upset or afraid?