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Sycamore Preschool Program

Sycamore Community Schools' preschool program serves children ages 3 to 5 with a wide range of abilities. Classes are inclusive and comprised of children who are developing typically and children identified with special needs.

The program is housed at Symmes Elementary and Blue Ash Elementary and operates Monday through Thursday. Morning sessions are 9:10-11:45 a.m. and afternoon sessions are 1:20-3:55 p.m. Busing is provided for all preschool students. Morning and afternoon sessions are determined by your student's future elementary school of attendance.

The Preschool Lottery for the 2025-26 school year will be held January 13-24, 2025. Any family interested in their child(ren) attending the Sycamore Preschool Program will fill out a lottery form. In February, student selection will be made based on program needs. Families will be notified if their student(s) have been selected or if they will be placed on a waiting list If selected, families will be provided with information on next steps, which inncludes a tuition agreement, tuition deposit, and full registration requirements. Please do not register until you have received notification that you have a spot. Children must be toilet-trained to attend our preschool program. 

If you feel your child may have some special needs, please contact Amber Aldrich, Preschool Coordinator, at

Common Questions

Our Program

Our program is characterized by hands-on, inquiry-based learning that challenges each student to think and become a problem-solver.  This is accomplished through both whole class and small group learning.  All preschool learning activities help children build confidence as they learn to live, work and play with others.  

Our curriculum is presented through the use of Thematic Units such as "Getting To Know You" and "The Farm" as well as classroom centers.  Our curriculum is guided by "The Ohio Early Learning Content Standards."

Preschool Objectives for Development & Learning:

  • Social & Emotional Development
  • Approaches Towards Learning
  • Cognitive Development & General Knowledge
  • Language & Literacy Development
  • Physical well-being & motor development

Five-Star Rating


step up to quality logo

Sycamore Community Schools Preschool Program has received the Five-Star Step Up To Quality Award, the highest recognition from the Ohio Department of Education. This award acknowledges the program’s commitment to quality and child development.

Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a rating system by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. It recognizes programs that exceed health and safety regulations. The Sycamore preschool team prepared for two years for the review, which included an unannounced on-site visit.

First page of the PDF file: preschoolflyer