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Community Flyers

Community groups and organizations are welcome to submit flyers for approval. Guidelines for flyer approval:

  1. Groups/individuals requesting distribution must be non-profit, with the exception of those events that support students and family academics, fine arts, and social/emotional wellness.

  2. Groups/individuals requesting distribution must be physically located with the Sycamore Community School District.

  3. The content of the flyer must not be affiliated with a religious or political organization.

We have a few exceptions to these guidelines, limited to inside and outside community partners we have contracts with for various student services.


First page of the PDF file: SBSA2025
First page of the PDF file: SPEAR_Flyer_2024-2025
First page of the PDF file: EHGreeneFlyer2024-251
First page of the PDF file: ESLUCBlueAshFlyerWinterTerm2025_Revised
First page of the PDF file: 2025SYFRegistrationFlyer1