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Meal Prices & Charging Procedure






EH Greene Intermediate 


$2.80, $3.05

Junior High


$3.05; $3.55; $4.05

High School

$1.80; $2.00

$3.05; $3.55; $4.05

Sycamore Child Nutrition understands that there are certain situations that require families to not have sufficient funds to pay for student meals. We offer a meal to every student no matter what, BUT it is imperative that families cover any negative account balances as they are accrued. 
Notifications of low balances will be sent out from the district weekly via email and sometimes through phone calls. Parents can set up email notifications via parent portal to help track their student’s lunch balance. See the Meal Account Information Tab for more info on this. 
  • Families can fill out the free and reduced lunch application at any time during the school year.
  • Parents can place restrictions on their Child’s account by emailing the Child Nutrition and Wellness Director, Liz Wellman at or calling the Child Nutrition Office at (513) 686-1796.
Sycamore Child Nutrition Services appreciates your due diligence in paying for your student's selected meals in a timely manner.